Playing with Children Help Them in Education

It’s seen everywhere that most parents mostly always wish that their children should be academically very brilliant, they should fast learn to read and write, and fast grasp maths and science concepts.
However, a very few parents know that their children can become academically sharp if they play with them. Yes, learning and play go hand in hand.
What Type of Play Helps Children Learn?
Play that engages kids and that they focus on and stay with even in case of any problem can help children learn.
This type of play helps kids develop their approaches to learning or the ways they react to learning scenarios.
Interest in the world, taking an initiative, problem solving, persistence and focused attention are only a few approaches to learning that kids develop through play.
In the early years of a child, parents can help in the development of these skills so as to make him a better student by playing with him.
As the child enters kindergarten and then the elementary years, she should develop some understanding of numbers and letters.
However, if they don’t develop strong approaches to learning, there are rare chances for them to be successful in their school years.
Encourage Toddlers to Play
Children in the age range of 2 to 3 years should have a lot of types of toys, like soft plastic blocks, stuffed animals, stacking rings, plastic books, rattles and more.Parents can buy toys online in Australia from Step2 Direct or check the nearest toy shop in your area.
Parents then should sit with the child and invite him to play with the toys. The child may empty his toy basket and wear the basket on his head which is usual toddler behaviour as he wants to look at the world in a different way.
The child may also love to shake the rattles because she loves to hear the various sounds. Or she may stack blocks and then knock them down.
The child’s attention to each play might span not more than five minutes and this is right for her age. And when she tries to place rings on the stacking pole, she may solve problems.
At such times, parents should encourage the child’s curiosity. They should comment on the child’s activities, such as “Wow, you made a tower!” or ask “What’s your doll doing? Is she taking a nap?”
By responding positively to parents’ comments and questions, the toddler connects his play to learning.
Parents should encourage the child when she gets frustrated by repeatedly failing to stack the blocks etc. by extending a helping hand.
Encourage Preschoolers to Play
After 4 years, kids often love to dress up in their parents’ clothes and accessories, and pretend to go out, take care of a child (doll) and cook meals.
They can even get engaged in physical play; so, parents can get them the best kids soccer goal at Step2 Direct, for example. This will also help develop strong muscles and agile body.
The more you play with your child, the more helpful will it be for her to excel in school. Thus, if you want to see her succeeding academically, play with her!