10 Easy Ways to Grow Yourself Every Day

If you want to live a good life, you have to work on self. Moving from where you are now to the place you want to be in the future takes knowledge, experience,and hard work. In other words – you have to grow as a person. Applying these next few tips will help you become the best version of yourself.
#1 Create an Action Plan
Every evening make a to-do list for the following day. This will help you optimize effectively your time and avoid wandering around without a purpose. Practice U can help you to increase your positivity. You will find numerous of Positive affirmation articles in this site..
#2 Exercise
You have to be healthy and strong, not only physically, but mentally, in order to face the challenges before you. Exercising is an important part of every over-achiever’s daily routine. It is beneficial both for the body and the brain. So make sure to add at least 30-minute workout session in the morning, right before the start of your busy day.
#3 Experiment
Get out of your comfort zone. This is the only way you can expand your horizons and become comfortable with the main agent of growth – adaptation. Change the route you take to work from time to time or talk to a stranger.
#4 Write Down Your Thoughts and Track Your Progress
Keep a diary where you write your ideas, thoughts, goals, and achievements. This will help you recognize some patterns in your life and you will be able to manipulate them in your favor. Use this tool to learn more about yourself. This is the fastest way to improve.
#5 Learn to Say “No”
Growth is all about concentrating your efforts on the few activities that will have the most impact. That’s why it is important to learn to say “No” to all these alternatives. You have to put yourself, your dreams and goals first if you want to succeed.
#6 Read Books
The fastest way to learn and gain wisdom is by reading books. Read for at least 30 minutes every day. This activity will enrich you and feed your brain. Books are a source of compressed knowledge, so the more you read, the more knowledge you will gain.
#7 Explore a Hobby
If you don’t have hobby, now is the time to adopt one. This will help you refuel after long day or week in the office. Try something you are interested in. Enroll in cooking or dancing workshops. Or try some sports activities – fitness, jiu-jitsu, or triathlon. Learning new things requires personal growth.
#8 Wake Up Early
This one will help you improve your productivity and the quality of your life. Early awakening leads to more proactive mind. This will help you approach the day more efficiently. You can dedicate this extra time to do some important work or to exercise.
#9 Stop Watching TV
This is a complete waste of time. Instead, you can use the time for reading, walking in the park, exercising, or connecting with family and friends. The TV is everything but a tool for helping your growth.
#10 Move Towards Self-Improvement
The best way to improve is to take action. This will give you results to analyze and learn from. Waiting won’t move you closer to your goals. Eliminate all excuses and move towards self-improvement.